Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thank you to our friends in "The Secret of the Goat Children"!!

"The Secret of the Goat Children" was a play put on by Homegrown Theatre, 
a group made up primarily of homeschoolers, our family included. :)  

They chose to make it a "made with love" fundraiser... 
the money collected from a special offering was donated to us 
to use as we saw fit within our ministry in India.  
What an amazing success it was, $1,300  was raised from this event!! :)
With that money we were able to purchase a new Xerox copy machine 
to put in the Marshall School in India!!

Thank you to our friends within the cast and crew of Homegrown Theatre
for using their amazing talents to help support the children we love so dearly,
and thank you to all who came and saw the show and gave generously to our cause!!
What a joy it is to be the vessel through which others kindness can be poured out!!

God Bless,
~The Landowgals~

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Christmas Gifts

Christmas Gifts

The children at the Joyful Journey Orphanage in Madhavapatnam India were very excited to receive their Christmas gifts at the Christmas Celebration this past December 2013.
Through the success of our "made with love" sales this past year we were able to purchase each of the 28 children a new outfit...

We also purchased an electronic drum that they were requesting.

They are excited to be able to use this new instrument along with their more traditional drums during worship.

Last but not least we also were able to send a package over to Novahu and his family which contained some of the special treats that they love, such as beef jerky, cocoa, and a variety of sweets!!

Here all the school children are enjoying the candy canes we sent. :)

We continue to give thanks for your support as it enables us to provide for our friends in India!
We pray you and your family had a joyous Christmas and that your New Year will be full of blessings!
The Landowgals

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tis the Season

Tis the Season...
With Thanksgiving only a few days away we'd like to take this opportunity to say
"Thank You" to all our faithful customers who support our ministry through their purchases, and 
"Thank You" to our friends and family who's love and encouragement are such a blessing to us!  Because of all of you our "made with love" business continues to thrive even with Emma being away at college and for that we are very thankful!!!
With the proceeds from sales during this past summer at the West Bend Farmers Market along with proceeds from our upcoming open house we will be able to buy Christmas Gifts and other items for the children who are part of the Joyful Journeys Orphanage in India.  
We'll be sure to keep you posted on what we are all able to purchase!

We'd like to invite you to stop by our
"made with love" by the landowgals Christmas Open House
Friday November 29th ~ 9:00-6:00
Saturday November 30th ~ 9:00-5:00
Sunday December 1st ~ 1:00-4:00

please contact us if you need directions.

Be sure to check out our inventory under "merchandise" for a sneak peak at some of what we have available or if you're not able to make the open house you can contact us about placing an order.

God Bless you,
The Landowgals

Friday, May 31, 2013

Save the earth and help a child


Well, it's that time of year again...the West Bend Farmers Market begins the first Saturday in June! The Landowgals will be there opening day selling many of your old favorites as well as some new and exciting merchandise!  Our motto this year is...

"Save the earth and help a child...
Go Green with a made with love bag"
Proceeds from our sales will support the children at the Joyful Journeys Orphanage in India.

Check out our new items this year...

This hand sewn muslin produce bag with drawstring works perfect for packaging 
your fruits and veggies at both the market and grocery store.
No need for plastic baggies when you can put them in these reusable sacks.
The cost is $10 for a set of three.

These over sized Market Totes are just right for carrying your fresh produce
home from shopping!
We have many colorful fabrics to choose from...don't be caught with a plastic bag!
The cost is $24 per bag.

Fun and Splash Beach Bags are a must
for carrying your towel, sun screen, water bottle, etc.
to the pool or the lake!
Pockets inside help keep things organized.
The cost is $28 per bag

As always, we appreciate your support and
look forward to helping you

God Bless.
The Landowgals