It's that time of year again...we are raising money for Christmas gifts for the children in India!!
Don't you just love having bracelets on? Especially if they
have a special meaning to you, or have something cool written on them? Well, we
thought it would be fun to give each student (283) in the Marshal Public School
a bracelet that says Joyful Journeys Ministry on it, that way whenever they look
at it they can think of all of the people here (like you!!!) that have helped
Now wouldn't it be cool if you could have one of those bracelets too? That way you could wear something to remind you that you have helped change someone's life over in India! Well... you can, for just $1 you can buy one of those special bracelets!
You can also help us raise money for their Christmas gifts by
purchasing any of our "made with love" items.
We would also like to give each of the orphans (25) a new outfit for Christmas so your "made with love" purchase will also help buy those.
Thank you for all of the joy and support you have given us...
we would not be where we are today without your help!
May you have a wonderful Christmas season!
God bless you,
The Landowgals