Friday, November 30, 2012

Thank you!

Thank you Thank you Thank you! 

To everyone who stopped by our open house, placed an order, made a donation, or prayed!  We could not have had the amazing success we did without all of your love and support! 

Our open house went very well, and we have enough orders to stay busy up until Christmas!!!!  

Thank you again!  All of the proceeds that we have raised (and are raising:-) will go to help us do fun activates with the school children and orphans when we are in India!  Last year we were able to take them to the India Ocean, I can only imagine all the fun we will have this next time!

God Bless you All!

The Landowgals

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cute Picture:-)

Hello all! 

I am going to be posting another new item today, but before I do that I just wanted to share this really cute picture with you:-)

Those would be our bags, and as you can see we can make them in any size!

Stay tuned for our next new item!

God Bless,
The Landowgals

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New #3

Tired of having all your plastic bags all over?
                                                                                         Don't know what to do with them? 

Well...try one of our new Plastic Bag holders!  There are only $8

3 more days tell our open house starts!!!
God Bless you,
The Landowgals

Thursday, November 8, 2012

New Item #2

Sorry this took so long to get out, we have been very busy knitting:-)

So, this week we have headbands...

as you can see, we have three different styles of headbands.

This beautiful knit headband (that Johanna came up with the pattern for:-) is $10
This fleece headband with flower that Sophia is modeling is $8
and this headband is also $8. 
Check back soon for our next new item!
Enjoy your night!
~The Landowgals

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New item #1

Well, as I promised here is our first of many new item before our big open house at the end of November.

Sorry the pictures are not the greatest. 
These hair clips can be made with any color and any flower pattern.
For just $5 you can purchase one of these lovely hair clips and help us raise money for India!
Enjoy your day!
God Bless,
The Landowgals


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Black Friday (weekend:-) Open House

Well, it is that time of year again; we are starting to think of Christmas Gifts for all of our lovely family and friends :-)

The Landowgals would like to help you out!

As most of you know we had an open house here in Kewaskum last year and we all had such a great time! We have decided that we are going to make it a full weekend party this year; so if you are looking for a great gift come and stop on by! We have the dates and times on our Events page if you need help with directions or anything please let me know.

This year at our open house we will have all of your usual items and a bunch of new things too; my plan is to share with you one new item ever week up until our open house.

I hope to see you there!

~The Landowgals

P.S. and of course we will have hot drinks and Johanna's famous Oreo balls too :-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Item!

Check out this awesome new pattern Johanna came up with!  A friend of ours showed us hers, and Jo just came up with her own pattern! 
These are our new "Pan holders" they can hold anything from a little bowl up to a 9 by 13 pan.
We are selling these for the first time tomorrow at "Diva Night" in West Bend, WI. 
These lovely new bags are going for $20.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Farmers Market Recap

We were at the Farmers Market this past Saturday, and just like the rest of this summer so far it was a great day! It was a little cold in the morning (almost time to bring out our scarves:-) but then it warmed up and we even got people to walk around and advertise for us! 

Pictured above are the Larsen's (who go to our church), they have always been so supportive of my sisters and me and all that has been so important to us. 
We are so blessed to have so many people like the Larsen's in our life.

Here are the pictures I have been meaning to put up!!!! 

Our beach bags are $26.  They are the larger size and they have 3 different sized pockets inside.

This Sautrday we will be at our church Rummage Sale (across the street from Germanfest) We'll be there all day, its super fun!  Hope to see you there!!!

God Bless,
(and sisters too:-) 

Monday, July 30, 2012


Because of the amazing sales we had this past Saturday at the Farmers Market my sisters and I were able to donate $225 to the Joyful Journey Ministry.  $125 for new cloth to put on the 25 folding cots for the orphans, and $100 so the orphans could each get two new sets of underwear.

Thank you again for all of your support!

God Bless,
(and sisters too:-)

Saturday, July 14, 2012


We will NOT be at the West Bend Farmers Market on the 21st of July as there has been a change in our plans. We WILL be there the following Saturday (July 28th), hope you can stop by to see us!

Enjoy your weekend!

~The Landowgals

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Farmers Market Recap


Being at the Farmers Maket yesterday was great!  The weather was wonderful and that support we got was amazing!  We are going to be really busy sewing, as we are down to one beach bag now!  I know, I know I still need to get the pictures of our new merchindise on here:-) I'm working on it. 

Thank you, for all of your love and support!

I hope you all enjoy this 4th of July week!

God Bless,
(and sissy's too:-)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Farmers Market

We will be at the West Bend Farmers Market this Saturday (June 30th)!!! I am really looking forward to it, we always have so much fun there! I must give a little plug to the egg role place (not sure what they are called:-(…they have amazing egg roles!  You should try them!!!

Anyway… We will be at the Farmers Market from 7:00 to 11:00, come and stop by if you can.  You can check out our new wine bags (with pockets to hold your wineJ) AND beach bags, these bags are bigger and they have three different sized pockets. (Good for holding your cell phone, sun screen, and other stuff like that.)

The wine bags are $20 and the beach bags are $26.  I’ll try and get some picture up of our new merchandise for you.

At this point we are raising money for the Cutting and Tailoring Center in India, all proceeds will go to help buy sewing materials for the Center.

Enjoy your week!

~The Landowgals

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Relay for Life

Last Friday night my sisters and I sold our "made with love" merchandise at the Slinger/Hartford Relay for life.   From the different bags and apron's we sold we were able to donate $50 to the American Cancer Society.

It was truly moving to hear people story's and see all the family's and love going around the field that night. 
Here are some of the pictures we got...

Thank you for your support!
May God be with your on your journey...
~The Landowgals

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Getting ready!

We are busy getting ready for the Relay for Life tomorrow! 

Hope to see you there! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We did it!

With your help we were able to raise $406 to buy two new sewing machines for the women at the
 Cutting and Tailoring Center in Madhavapatnam, these sewing machines will be used to help make the school children’s uniforms.  One is a special machine for making button holes, the other would be similar to a serger.
Check out the pictures!


The  new school year will be starting for the kids any day now (they are waiting for the weather to cool of a little bit because its around 120 right now:-)

The women have the new sewing machines but they too are waiting for the weather to cool down.   It's a little hard to work on a sewing machine in 120 weather.  I think we can all understand:-)

Thank you all so very much for your endless support!  We would not be able to do any of this with out you!

God Bless,
The Landowgals

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our next goal

Why did we start "made with love" in the first place? Because I wanted to help the women in India learn a trade so they would not have to steal or work the streets (as prostitutes) in order to support themselves and their families. That is why I am so excited that the next items my sisters and I will be raising money for will be two sewing machines for the women in the Cutting and Tailoring Center of Madhavapatnam so they can make the school children’s uniforms!  One is a special machine for making button holes, the other would be similar to a serger.

Joyful Journeys Ministry has hired a woman to teach these ladies how to make the uniforms for the children., now they just need the special machines to help with making button holes, steams and hemming.  We need a total of $406 in order to purchase the two machines.  To help us reach our goal you can purchase a "made with love" item or simply make a can help make a difference!

By adding this extra teacher and providing them with the new machines, these women will now not only learn a trade, they will have an opportunity to start earning money by using their skills to make uniforms for the children in the Marshall Public School! 

Some pictures have been coming in of our new cutting and tailoring center. Check them out!

This is the new teacher

This is one of the ladies...excited after working on a new pattern

Women in the new class

More women, look how young some of them are.

And this is how they deliver the sewing machines:-)

Thank you for your love and support!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Packer apparel

Ok, so I know that the super bowl is today, and the packers are not playing:-( but we DO have some packer apparel available and we can get fabric with other teams logo on it.

Here is a picture of the stuff we have in stock. 

                                             Sorry this is coming out now.  Keep us in mind for next year!

Monday, January 2, 2012

They made it!

Well, the boxes did not make it in time for Christmas, but they did get there safely on Sunday!  Thank you all so much for your support, we could not have done it with out you! 

Here are some pictures of the gifts we were able to give the children this year WITH YOUR HELP!!!!

May the joy of giving go with you throughout the year!

Thank you again for your help!!!

God Bless you,
The Landowgals